
Stefan Briesenick

All texts by Stefan Briesenick

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Persona 5 RoyalScore

Persona 5 Royal

"We can't give anything other than a comprehensive recommendation for both new and returning players alike."

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Iron Harvest - Hands-On

Iron Harvest - Hands-On

Set in the same alternate history as Scythe, King Art's ambitious new RTS looks suitably stunning.

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Nioh 2Score

Nioh 2

"Nioh 2 is a very faithful sequel, but it doesn't dare to offer much in the way of innovation."

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Nioh 2 - Final Impressions

Nioh 2 - Final Impressions

We took one last look at Team Ninja's demonic Soulslike before it releases next month.

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE EncoreScore

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore

"A solid gameplay loop with a number of features and mechanics keeping us coming back for more."

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Hands-On

Zombie Army 4: Dead War Hands-On

We played Rebellion's upcoming co-op shooter for four hours at a hands-on event last month.

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Planet Coaster hits consoles in 2020

Planet Coaster hits consoles in 2020

Next year we'll get to build our ideal theme parks, as Frontier Developments revealed during X019 this evening.

Text: Stefan Briesenick
20-minute Blacksad: Under the Skin trailer released

20-minute Blacksad: Under the Skin trailer released

In two weeks, the noir detective game Blacksad: Under the Skin, which is based on the black cat's iconic comic books, will be released on pc and consoles. Today the...

Text: Stefan Briesenick
World War Z update introduces a Season Pass

World War Z update introduces a Season Pass

World War Z has been updated this week, designed to bring players back into the co-op action just in time for Halloween. "Kill it with Fire" is the name of the latest...

Text: Stefan Briesenick
Nintendo Switch tops 41 million devices sold worldwide

Nintendo Switch tops 41 million devices sold worldwide

Nintendo has shared its quarterly results today and updated its sales figures. The divisional cut was September 30, everything sold afterwards is counting towards the...

Text: Stefan Briesenick