Marvel Rivals

The 5 best healers in Marvel Rivals

If you intend to play Strategist and heal the injuries your fellow players sustain in the heat of battle, these are the top five characters right now...

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In the newly released monster hit Marvel Rivals, Netease has, in our opinion, taken the very best parts of Overwatch and made a game out of them, a game that is bursting with personality and addictive gameplay. The game's 35 heroes are divided into three classes, with the Strategists class being the protectors of their team, usually staying in the back and strengthening, healing and protecting their allies. Yesterday, season one of the game was rolled out and with this we have tested and rubbed all strategists to select what we currently consider to be the game's five best.

Marvel Rivals

(5) Loki

Perhaps there is a reason why the support role in Marvel Rivals is called strategist and not healer. For Loki may not be one to constantly heal his allies, but with well-positioned clones, they can temporarily immortalise an entire team and withstand massive attacks from their opponents. And because he can teleport in no time, he's an excellent choice for quickly escaping danger and helping his allies from a safe place, without risking death himself.

Marvel Rivals

(4) Jeff the Land Shark

The adorable little land shark captured the hearts of many when he came to Marvel Rivals. But don't be fooled by the tiny, ever-so-happy and cuddly Jeff - because he can be really tough. Jeff's water jet is great for healing your team when they're in one big cluster (which is something that can be incredibly difficult to pull off with some other characters). Not only that, but his attack is relatively strong, with a really good Jeff being able to defeat a duelist all by himself. However, it is above all his ultimate ability that shines where he can swallow the entire opposing team, swim away a few metres and unceremoniously throw them out for a dive and certain death. Talk about being able to turn the game around in seconds.

Marvel Rivals
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(3) Luna Snow

Luna Snow doesn't require much from you to handle her successfully. She is easy to get into and can offer a lot of health (both directly and passively). Also, the damage she inflicts is great and is thus not to be underestimated. Her ultimate ability can also make the team immortal for a few seconds, giving her teammates plenty of time to pump lead into the enemies, build on their own ultimate abilities and crush the opposition in no time. An overall really, really good strategist, plain and simple.

Marvel Rivals

(2) Cloak & Dagger

I've often gotten flak from teammates when I've played as Cloak & Dagger, and maybe that's not so strange. This is the most difficult character in the role to play as, precisely because you have to be able to handle the two different characters and thus be able to decide when to heal and damage. But it is obvious that when you have a really good Cloak & Dagger on your team - the win is near. For the first season, the ultimate ability also became stronger than ever, with the hero now doing four sweeps instead of three, which will only make the flexible hero more dangerous. What is important when choosing the hero is communication with your team. In the face of the ultimate ability, it is important that teammates know about it as it practically makes them immortal, while the traces of the ability damage the enemies.

Marvel Rivals
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(1) Mantis

This is undoubtedly the easiest character to play as, but mastering her will take some doing. Mantis can heal and strengthen her allies, strengthen herself, and briefly stun enemies. Since her abilities reload pretty quickly, you'll be making thousands of decisions during a match as her. What makes Mantis the best strategist, however, has to be the fact that she can dish out senseless damage as she fortifies herself and delivers a shot to the forehead of enemies. It can take as little as two shots and they're flat on the ground, and you steal the limelight from the duelists, while healing them to the max. Mantis' ultimate ability is also really strong (not the best, but good) and if you play well you will often have it available.

Which of the game's Strategists do you prefer to play as?

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