Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The Call of Duty League 2021 will use a PC + controller setup

This follows after the announcement that the season would shift to a 4v4 format.

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The Call of Duty League 2021 season kicked off yesterday and it was revealed that even further changes have been to the rules compared to the previous season. The League announced that pro players will now be moving to a PC + controller setup which is said to provide players with an expanded amount of control options.

The League said: "Today, the League is announcing it will move pro team competition to PC + Controller beginning with the 2021 season. This means that all pro matches will be played on PC and all pro players must use a League-approved controller of their choice."

As we mentioned earlier, this isn't the first change that was revealed for the 2021 season, as the League previously revealed that it would be reverting to a 4v4 format.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Photo: Activision

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