Could a fourth Dead Space game become a reality? Yes, at least if the series' director and creator, Glen Schofield, gets his way. He mentioned this recently in a post on X, where he wrote that it would be fun to have the chance to produce a new Dead Space.
In the end, it's of course up to EA to decide whether there will be more games in the series or not, and based on the sales of the Dead Space Remake, the chances are honestly a bit uncertain. The game has sold well but not spectacularly.
Dead Space Remake is a game EA expected to sell between five to ten million copies, but in the end, it has "only" sold two million. A good result, but seemingly not enough to impress EA.
That said, hope is the last thing to die, and we're obviously keeping our fingers crossed that Dead Space 4 becomes a reality someday in the future.
Would you want to see a new Dead Space?