The Division 2

The Division 2 leaves Washington D.C. behind in upcoming DLC

The new expeditions take place beyond the city limits and into the forests, and we've got the latest trailers.

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Ubisoft has announced its Year One DLC plans for The Division 2, and we'll be saying goodbye to the nation's (former) capital as we go in search of action and adventure.

Episode One of the upcoming plan will have you and your squad spearheading an attack on a presidential compound, along with a mission that takes place at the U.S National Zoo, where you will hunt down a surviving leader. The first content pack will then conclude with an investigation into a military convoy gone dark.

Episode Two, which launches later this year, will begin with your squad infiltrating the infamous Pentagon building to recover any lasting and important documents. The second phase of the second episode will bring a new raid to The Division 2, offering an eight-player matchup.

The third and final episode of planned Year One content for The Division 2 will have you engage in a manhunt operation; a brother-turned-enemy has abandoned The Division and needs to be stopped, as he holds the key to saving humanity. No pressure then.

Are you excited for the slate of content coming to Ubisoft's popular co-op shooter?


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The Division 2Score

The Division 2

REVIEW. Written by Eirik Hyldbakk Furu

"A couple of faults don't detract from the fact that The Division 2 is one of, if not the, best looter-shooters in years."

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