Titanfall 2

Titanfall 3 was in development for ten months before cancellation

It seems the popularity of Apex Legends killed off Respawn's beloved franchise.

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Even though the Titanfall games never became big commercial hits, the gaming community really loved them as they were great games. Today the world lives on in Apex Legends, but the Titanfall franchise seems to be dead.

Not it has been revealed that there seemingly was a third Titanfall title in development at one point. Insider Gaming has been talking to the ex-Respawn Entertainment developer Mohammad Alavi, who claims they worked on Titanfall 3 for ten months, before the plus was pulled:

"You want to hear a crazy cut story? Titanfall 3... Titanfall 2, y'know, came out, did what it did, and we were like, "Okay, we're gonna make Titanfall 3," and we worked on Titanfall 3 for... ten months, right? In earnest, right? I mean, we had, like, new tech for it, we had multiple missions going, we had a first playable, which was like, on par to be just as good if not better than whatever we had before, right? But I'll make this clear—incrementally better, it wasn't revolutionary. And that's the kicker, right?"

Ironically, it seems like Apex Legends was the reason why Titanfall 3 was killed, as Battle Royale games was at its peak, and Respawn really wanted in on this:

"And at the time, I had just literally become [the] narrative lead designer on Titanfall 3, I had just pitched the... story, the whole game, that me and Manny had come up with, made this big presentation and then we went off a break and went back from break, and we talked about it, and we were like, "Yeah, we need to pivot. And we need to go make this game." 'Cause we literally canceled Titanfall 3 ourselves 'cause we were like, "We can make this game, and it's going to be Titanfall 2 plus a little bit better, or we can make this thing, which is clearly amazing." And don't get me wrong, I will always miss having another Titanfall, y'know what I mean? I love that game, Titanfall 2, like I said, is my most crowing achievement, but it was the right call. That is a crazy cut. Such a crazy cut that EA didn't even know about it for another six months!"

We know a lot of you still have high hopes for another Titanfall game in the future, and Respawn has previously said they aren't ruling it out - but chances unfortunately seems to be slim for the foreseable future.

Titanfall 2

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Titanfall 2

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"There's more variety, refined systems, and a wealth of mechanics that facilitate exciting and adventurous play."

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