Burnout Paradise Remastered

Today on GR Live: Burnout Paradise Remastered

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This week sees the release of Burnout Paradise Remastered on PS4 and Xbox One. The seminal open-world racer from Criterion was originally released a decade ago in January 2008 and paved the way for a lot of the open-world arcade racer we see today. We're booting up EA Access for an early trial of the game on Xbox One for a bit of a trip down nostalgia lane.

Join us from 3:00 pm GMT (16:00 CET) for two hours of traffic light races, shortcuts, breaking signs and wrecking metal in Paradise City over on the Gamereactor Live page.

Burnout Paradise Remastered

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Burnout Paradise RemasteredScore

Burnout Paradise Remastered

REVIEW. Written by Graham Bellars

"It isn't the 4K marvel we perhaps hoped for, but it's still an immensely fun and chaotic racer packed full of cars, events and side activities."

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