Lego Worlds

Today on GR Live: Lego Worlds

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Pretty much everyone has always thought that creating a Lego game using the creative formula made popular by games like Minecraft was going to be a match made in the heaven.

The wait has been long, but it looks as if TT Games will finally deliver this dream combo with Lego Worlds, a game which provides the player with near-total creative freedom. The game entered open beta on Steam in 2015, and it's now the finished product and is ready to release.

The game is out on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and Sophia is ready to take the game out for a spin. Tune in on our live page at 3pm GMT to see what we can build in the PC version of the game.

Lego Worlds

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Lego WorldsScore

Lego Worlds

REVIEW. Written by Graham Bellars

"It seems blindingly obvious to combine the sandbox genre with the world of Lego, when you stop to think about it."

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