Rainbow Six: Siege

Ubisoft taking closer aim at cheaters in Rainbow Six: Siege

Including suspending 1,300 accounts this week.

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Every competitive game has cheaters, including Rainbow Six: Siege, but now developer Ubisoft has released an update on their approach to the practice, and the measures they're taking to combat those who want to make the game worse for everyone else.

A vulnerability exploited by cheat creators was patched on Monday, for example, which is good news since it renders a lot of cheats defunct as a result, but that's not the only good news, as a fix was also released to prevent cheaters from planting the defuser anywhere on the map as well.

As if that wasn't enough, this week Ubisoft has suspended 1,300 players that they've determined to have been "boosted by cheaters", suspending them for 15 days and removing benefits from illicit activities at the end of the season.

"We are currently assessing how we will be delivering this from a technical side, but all players sanctioned for this will have their rank and rewards removed prior to the launch of Season 3. We want to stress that we do not view the sanctioning of boosted players as a solution to the issue. It was a stop-gap while we work on the solution, which is adjusting MMR gains/losses for all players in a match with a cheater," Ubisoft writes.

"On the topic of adjusting MMR gains/losses for matches with cheaters, we are finalizing the design next week. Once that is complete, we will meet to determine workload, personnel, and deadlines. We will then have a better idea of the timeline for this feature going live."

Ubisoft recognises that some of this may not be harsh enough in the eyes of some, but these are just steps on the road to cleaning up the game, including the fact that they're continuing to progress with Two Step Verification for Ranked, with the aim being to implement it during Season 3.

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Rainbow Six: Siege

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