Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has gone gold

Chloe and Nadine are ready to go on adventures.

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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy was set to be one of the first highly anticipated games launching this autumn, with its August 23 release, and now we don't have much reason to expect a delay.

Naughty Dog has just announced that the game has gone gold, and has been sent to replication, which is definitely great news. Some of you might think that this is just a expansion, but it's definitely not, as the studio claims that the story might take more than ten hours to complete and that it's longer than Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Chloe and Nadine's adventure is without a doubt real Uncharted game, so we're keeping a close eye on this one. How about you?

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

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Uncharted: The Lost LegacyScore

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"Nadine and Chloe have proven themselves more than capable of picking up the reins from Nathan Drake."

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