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      Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong

      Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong launches in 2021

      The Council studio Big Bad Wolf is bringing this tale featuring multiple viewpoints within the Camarilla.

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      Those interested in the Vampire: The Masquerade franchise are being spoiled at the moment, as we just reported yesterday that Coteries of New York is getting released this winter, with Bloodlines 2 also coming next year, and now we have another game that's just been revealed.

      Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong is a game coming in 2021, coming from Big Bad Wolf, the same developer that created The Council. The studio wants to "continue specialising in narrative RPGs", according to the press release, and this game will be its "most ambitious project" yet.

      This will be a narrative-driven game feature RPG mechanics respecting the rules of the fifth edition of Vampire: The Masquerade and The World of Darkness universe. Players will control three vampires belonging to different clans of the Camarilla, and the intertwined tale features multiple viewpoints, conspiracy, murder, power struggles, and more.

      "At the studio, we're long-time and passionate fans of the tabletop role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade. We have wanted to create a video game inspired by this universe for several years now. This project fits perfectly with Bigben's desire to expand its catalogue of narrative games. We are very happy to be unveiling it together," says Thomas Veauclin, Creative & Art Director at Big Bad Wolf.

      "My past experience as an editor and author of role-playing games, and also as Editor-in-Chief of an RPG magazine, is proof of how important this project means to me personally," adds Benoit Clerc, Head of Publishing at Bigben." Just like me, many fans have been waiting a long time for a new adaptation of this cult game, which will be developed by one of the most talented studios of its generation."

      Are you pleased to see all of these games in the vampiric universe?

      Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong

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