Is a new Halo game already ready to be announced?
"Hello there, welcome back to GRTV News, I'm Alex, as usual, covering the afternoons, latest and greatest when it comes to gaming, technology, entertainment, whatever you like and whatever you love, we always have it here for you, GRTV News, and in the wider Gamereactor network as a whole, so if you like what you see and you want to see more, be sure to check out Gamereactor wherever you get it from for more gaming reviews, gaming previews, movie reviews, exclusives, interviews, and of course so so so much more, but without further ado, today we're talking Halo, now you might be surprised to hear that we're talking Halo because it doesn't feel all that long ago that we actually got Halo Infinite, but it appears, at least according to rumours, that we could be getting a new Halo announced in 2025, now once again get your salt shakers out because as Jonas puts here, this is just a rumour, but it comes from some pretty reliable leakers, we've got Mr. Rebs, or Rebs Gaming, pointing out that Halo Studios could be playtesting future Halo games on a weekly basis, and they have at least one new Halo game to announce this year, now it has been a few years since we got Halo Infinite, I believe that game came out at the end of 2021, but considering how long games take nowadays, usually we expect a 5-6 year life cycle for a lot of big franchises and AAA games to sort of release their next sequel, unless your name is Assassin's Creed, but even then, we've seen delays after delays in something like Assassin's Creed Shadows, Halo used to be one of those franchises that would bring out games quite often, but lately we've sort of seen a lot of fan reactions turn towards more of the negative side, and it's just sort of lost that aura that it once had, now as we've sort of seen in recent months and sort of last year, 343 Industries has now rebranded itself as Halo Studios, so it does kind of make sense that we would see something from Halo Studios relatively soon, as sort of the hype behind the rebrand is still there and they've got this new identity ready to show off, but what they'll be showing off is kind of unknown, now it's unlikely we're going to see anything Halo related on the 23rd of January, which is Xbox's next big showcase, as they'll be instead showcasing more of what they've already sort of announced and some surprises for 2025 as well, but Halo is probably one of the biggest IPs left for Microsoft and even though there are rumours that Halo the Master Chief Collection is going to PlayStation and I believe Switch as well, those games are going to be really really big selling points for Xbox, so you'd expect that they have something in the can, but it's apparently, according to Revs Gaming at least, the case that Halo Studios is a lot further on than we could have initially believed, whether that means that we'll have something within release within the next couple of years is completely unknown, but if they're ready to announce something you would imagine that something is coming relatively soon as well."
"But let me know what you think about this, do you think that Halo Studios is ready to announce something, do you think that this is more sort of just rumours about what they could be working on, let me know all that and more and I'll see you tomorrow for some more GRTV news, goodbye!"