We recap the event and talk about the various reveals and release date confirmations.
"Morning everyone and welcome back to another episode of GRTV News.
Today, as expected, we're going to be talking a little bit about the Xbox Developer Direct.
But because it was sort of chock full of information and announcements and exciting things to chat about, I'm going to do a bit of a strange GRTV News today where we're going to talk about it as a whole instead of just focusing on one specific thing."
"So with that being the case, let's dive on in.
So we've got three big release dates to talk about, well, technically like five release dates, but I think really when you boil it down, there's three big release dates and then two sort of surprises."
"So first of all, Doom The Dark Ages is confirmed to launch in May.
It's coming out on May 15th on PC, Xbox Series X and PS5.
That's been confirmed.
So May has now got a serious AAA title."
"Obviously, it's going to be on Game Pass on day one as well.
And well, if you want to go and learn more about Doom, you can read this news piece.
There's plenty of information from the Developer Direct and from the preview session that we were privy to as well."
"And as well, we do have an actual written preview as well, as well as all the trailers and all that good stuff.
The release date trailer, the full Developer Direct presentation, you can find it all on Game Reptor."
"So there's that.
The next thing is obviously South of Midnight, which also got a release date, and that's coming on PC or coming to PC and Xbox Series X and S consoles and Game Pass on day one in April."
"Now, specifically, it's April 8th as well.
So this one's actually really close.
Well, I say really close.
We're at the end of January now, so we're looking at sort of like two and a half months or so just under."
"But still, you know, it's nearly here and it's looking absolutely excellent.
And again, like Doom, all the information from the last, from the Developer Direct, you can see it sort of condensed in here as well as like a direct link to the Xbox Wire article where they talk about it even more."
"But again, loads of really exciting things.
Definitely go check it out.
Looks awesome.
Then we have Claire Obscure, which this one's probably was the I would say the game that we knew was going to appear at this Developer Direct that had the least sort of excitement surrounding it."
"But it's coming.
It's coming to Xbox, I believe PlayStation 5 and Xbox and PC as well.
And it's also got a release date of April 24th.
And yes, it's also going to be a Game Pass title."
"So if you, you know, if you have a Game Pass subscription, it's going to be incredibly vital over the next few weeks or months.
Because not only do we have a vowed next year, next month in February, obviously April now has Claire Obscure, it has South at Midnight, Doom the Dark Ages in May."
"And more than that, right now you can go and use it to pick up Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Remake, which was really one of the two surprises that we had in store.
They said that we're going to be taking us to somewhere else to show off a surprise thing.
There were various rumors as to what that might be, but Ninja Gaiden, well, it was all Ninja Gaiden essentially."
"And one of the two reveals was Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Remake.
And this is obviously, it's a direct remake.
It's come from Team Ninja and you can get it as of right now, today on Game Pass.
I personally haven't checked it out yet, but again, if you want to check out the launch trailer, it's there."
"It looks excellent.
It looks really good, like really authentic Ninja Gaiden as we all remember it.
But that wasn't all.
Again, this is why we're speeding through it because there's a lot and I want to talk a little bit about some of it afterwards."
"Because the last thing was this.
Well, technically it was the first thing, right?
It was the first reveal in the show, but this was the true surprise.
And it's that Ninja Gaiden 4 is on its way."
"This is a true mainline installment to the series.
It's never gone, you know, we've never had a Ninja Gaiden 4 before.
So this is a completely fresh installment into the series that has for a long while been kind of dead in the water."
"It is developed by not only Team Ninja, but also by Platinum Games.
It is a dual development effort.
And yeah, it's going to be coming to Game Pass.
Now there are a few little bits of information about it that we don't have 100% info about."
"And that's including its release date, which as of the moment, it's coming in autumn 2025.
It will be on Game Pass day one, but yeah, we don't know where else it's just going to be in autumn 2025.
But there's a lot of footage about it, big announcement trailer."
"And you can check all that out as well as all this additional information about how it's set up, the storyline, what Team Ninja and Platinum Games are looking to achieve with this ambitious title.
But now that all of those bits of information are out of the way, I think it's worth just talking a little bit about the developer direct itself because we've seen a lot of shows over the years that I would say they simply disappoint a little bit that I think that they try to do too many things."
"They're either too long, you don't give the games time to breathe.
Maybe they are sort of chock full of advertisements and doing other things.
There's lots of shows that happen that we kind of look at and go, kind of was missing something."
"But this developer direct was perfect, I think.
I think it was one of the best shows we've seen in a long time.
It focused on in total five games within like a 50 minute period.
Each game got like a good 12 minutes or so to thrive."
"It gave us a great look at all the behind the scenes of it.
The developers had the time to fully explain what they want to achieve with the game.
And then of course, pretty much every game landed with like, you know, it's either out now or here's when it's coming, it's coming soon or it's going to be coming later this year."
"Really, you know, exciting things to get people, to make people want to talk about these games.
They're all big games as well.
They're all exciting and promising titles.
So I think that Xbox really knocked it out of the park with this developer direct."
"So I know that they will do, you know, they've done it for years now.
They're going to be another game showcase or something like that in the summer, probably.
We expect it.
And I would expect, you know, PlayStation to get back to normal with their sort of direct, with their state of plays."
"That's it.
Nintendo, the same with directs and whatnot.
But I would love to see more developers do this on a frequent basis.
I personally, instead of having like a one showcase that lasts for an hour and a half and it just throws 30 trailers at you, I would prefer to have throughout the year, five, six of these types of shows, which really hone in on certain games and really give them the time to breathe and thrive."
"Because I think it just, it just makes the games feel all the more interesting and important and allows you to really generate that level of hype and interest in them.
But yeah, that's sort of my take on it.
But again, recapping the five things, we'll go chronologically."
"So Ninja Gaiden 2 Black remake announced, launched, it's on PC, it's on PS5, it's on Xbox Series X and S, it's on Game Pass as of right now.
Next up, South of Midnight, April 8th, PC, Xbox Series X and S, Game Pass day one, coming soon."
"Claire Obscure Expedition 33, April 24th, 25th, sometime around then, PC, PS5, Xbox Series XS, Game Pass day one.
Doom The Dark Ages, May 15th, PC, PS5, Xbox Series XS, Game Pass day one.
And then last of all, Ninja Gaiden 4, which is going to be PC, Xbox Series XS, PS5, Game Pass day one, when?
Sometime in the autumn."
"But yeah, go check out all that stuff, go watch all the trailers and whatnot.
Really exciting.
And otherwise, let us know what you thought about the developer direct in the comments below."
"But that's all the time that I have.
Thank you for watching and I'll see you on the next one.
Take care, everyone."