Sometimes mistakes happen, and sometimes they're pretty big. Watch Dogs 2 has been available for over a month now, and officially it's not sold for a bargain just yet. Several thousands of Xbox One users, however, were able to download Watch Dogs 2: Deluxe Edition for free briefly, because one code was valid for multiple uses instead of just one.
Information about this code went viral on social media, and some believed that it was just a genuine Christmas gift from Ubisoft. The code itself is no longer valid, however, and this means it was most likely a mistake.
At this time it's unclear how Ubisoft will handle this. It might be that players will lose their access to a game they downloaded for free. Or maybe Ubisoft should take an advantage of the situation and declare how they are full of good will to all mankind, and it's for this reason that they gave Watch Dogs 2 for free on purpose?