Sketchbook Games is currently cooking up a game called Lost Words: Beyond the Page, and at E3 not only did we get to have a chat with creative director Mark Backler, but he also walked us through a demo of the game to show us what the game is all about.
"Lost Words: Beyond the Page is a narrative platformer half set in the pages of a diary, half set in a fantasy world that our protagonist Izzy is writing about," he explained to us in the video below.
In the walkthrough we get to see how the mechanics of the game work as well, as you actually navigate the words on the page, dragging them around to fill in gaps, and collecting asterisks to flesh out narrative elements around you.
Rhianna Pratchett is a writer for this game, and if that gives you high hopes as to the quality of Lost Words: Beyond the Page, then check out the full interview and gameplay demonstration below.
Do you like this interplay between narrative and gameplay?