Rage 2

We give Rage 2 another go on today's stream

We're ready to try Rage 2's second major content update out and cause some mayhem on today's live stream.

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Dóri takes more steps into the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Rage 2. The id Software ana Avalance developed action game has received its second major update and it's time we take a look at what that update offers.

Update 2 brings New Game +, more difficulty options and more so if you want to see us try the new features out you can do so by visiting our live page today at 15:00 BST (16 CEST).

Rage 2

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Rage 2Score

Rage 2

REVIEW. Written by Kim Orremark

"It can be really fun, but in many ways, the experience feels stretched out and the content on offer doesn't match up with the quality of the minute-to-minute gameplay."

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