Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

We talked Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion at E3

Design director Rhys Cadle joined us for a chat about the new game.

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Adventure Time is moving into the land of video games again this month via Pirates of the Enchiridion, and we talked to design director Rhys Cadle at E3 about what the game entails, and why it was that when we played the game the entire world was flooded.

"So we wanted to make a brand new Adventure Time game, so it's all all-new story totally voiced by the original cast of the TV show, and because it's called Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion, we wanted to flood the world to make people see what's familiar, but in a new way," he explained.

"So you get to see the Candy Kingdom, the Evil Forest, the Ice Kingdom - all the favourites, but we give a twist as well. It also supports the open-world gameplay of our game, because we give Finn and Jake a boat to travel round in, so they're free to explore at their own pace, go off main quests, find hidden areas, secrets, characters."

Do you like this new approach to the Land of Ooo?

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

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