Pacific Drive

We're getting an early look at Pacific Drive on today's GR Live

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Just yesterday, we published some thoughts and impressions based on Ironwood Studio's survival crafting title, Pacific Drive. If you haven't read that preview, you can head over here to learn more about the game.

Otherwise, if you would prefer to see some Pacific Drive in action, you can head over to the GR Live homepage at the usual time of 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET, where our very own Rebeca will be hosting and playing through the opening hour of a demo version of the game.

Be sure to drop by to see a bunch of this game in action ahead of its launch on PC and PlayStation 5 on February 22.

Pacific Drive

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Pacific DriveScore

Pacific Drive

REVIEW. Written by Magnus Groth-Andersen

Escape a gigantic, perilous dome by car. An original concept, but can developer Ironwood Studios realise its potential?

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