For Honor
Featured: E3 2021 Coverage

Xbox Game Pass expanded with For Honor, Darkest Dungeon and more

A few titles are also leaving the service in mid-June.

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Normally, we get at least eight games announced for Xbox Game Pass in the beginning of a month. Now the first June games have been revealed for Xbox Game Pass, but this time, it is only four of them for the first time. And they are not as big as we are used to either.

A very reasonable guess is that Microsoft is saving the bigger announcements for Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase at E3 on June 13. But regardless of this, here's what to expect and when:

For Honor

As usual, there's also games leaving the service. If you want to play these, you have two weeks to do so (and an Xbox Game Pass membership discount of 20% if you want to keep any of them).

Leaving June 15:

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For HonorScore

For Honor

REVIEW. Written by Kieran Harris

"With For Honor Ubisoft has delivered one of the most memorable and intense online experiences in recent memory."

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